Friday, May 12, 2017

Agnostic Entropy

Looking for the Agnentro toolkit? Scroll down to "SOURCE CODE".

Agnostic entropy is "entropy from almost nothing", in the sense that it's a more accurate measurement of information content than Shannon entropy because it presumes a smaller set of implicit metadata. It grew out of a need to create a useful entropy transform based on logfreedom and dyspoissonism. As it turns out, it facilitates realtime entropy scanning of an unlimited variety of data sets. And its encoding counterpart, agnentropic encoding, exhibits attractive features with respect to blockchain security via proof-of-work functions.

Have a look below to find what you need.


It's all here on Github.

WINDOWS USERS: You need MinGW or Mingw-w64, which is a port of the GCC compiler. Contact me if you want to port it to another C compiler or want to provide prebuilt binaries.

The file prominently displayed on the Github front page shows you where to find source code documentation so you can get started. It includes Agnentro Find (an approximate binary search tool), Agnentro Scan (an entropy or signal search tool), SETI Demo (a SETI signal search demo), and Agnentro File (proof-of-concept for agnentropic encoding).


Please file an issue here on Github.


This blog page is NOT the place to comment if you want me to see it along with everyone else. Instead, please post your feedback in the comments of the most relevant YouTube video listed below, or at one of the viXra pages linked below if it pertains to one of the theory documents. I don't censor comments unless they're patently irrelevant, although it may take me some time to unflag valid comments which YouTube deems suspicious.


"SETI Acceleration via Entropy Transforms" (YouTube)

"SETI Data Analysis with Agnentro Scan" (YouTube)

"Agnentro Find: Binary Search on Steroids" (YouTube)


Links to each document are provided along with their respective SHA256 hashes. viXra is best if you wish to provide feedback, while Github offers direct HTTPS download.

"Topological Detection of Wideband Anomalies" (viXra or Github)

"Surround Codes, Densification, and Entropy Scan Performance" (viXra or Github)

"Anomaly Detection and Approximate Matching via Entropy Divergences" (viXra or Github)

"Introduction to Entropy Transforms" (viXra or Github)

"Introduction to Agnentropy" (viXra or Github)

"Introduction to Logplex Encoding" (viXra or Github)

"Error Bounds on the Loggamma Function Amenable to Interval Arithmetic" (viXra or Github)


You can reach me at the address in the upper right corner of this page.